Dolphins against a man-eating shark
A nice young t-rex against a naughty young triceratops
A jungle man against vicious animals
A beast against a pack of wolves
– Bennett Rusch
Cruel Harpooners
Rich with family history, space travel, all kinds of battles, Cruel Harpooners is a journey throught the lives and minds of its neurodivergent authors. Not only do the authors trace ancestries and identities, they also push their creativity into unexplored realms. In this book, we hear the “empty quiet” of Mars (“Life in Mars”). We see a mouse and a bird falling love and having “pup chicks” (“Mouse and Bird”). There are bad neighbors, animals escaping the zoo, and a tree “that makes a lot of mess because it is so big / everything falls” (“One Big Mess Tree”). Filled with engaging stories and moving poetry, this book is for anyone looking to see the world differently.
Book 76 |
Summer 2021 |